Prescription Printing Software & Locking Printer Tray at NARUG 2017

TROY Group, Inc. June 12, 2017

We’ve been on the road a lot lately, whew. But, we love it! It’s how we nurture relationships with current clients and partners, and raise awareness for new products on our roadmap.

This week, we’re going to Springfield, MA, the home of “The Amazing World of Dr. Seuss”, a man who inspired and educated so many generations. In the spirit of education, we’re coming armed with our prescription printing software and locking printer tray capabilities to educate the Cerner family during their North Atlantic Regional User Group (NARUG) meeting, June 12 – 14. You can find us at Booth #22.

Meet Nakita – It’s All About Education 

Running the booth is Nakita Willis, Account Manager, who’s been with TROY for over 13 years. Nakita knows it’s not about selling our products, it’s about educating hospital personnel that, when it comes to printed prescriptions, they have options. She elaborates, “Most hospitals think they should be 100% e-prescribe already, or that it’s coming right around the corner. Some facility staff don’t realize there is still a large gap between handwritten prescriptions and e-prescribe. And, the gap is where TROY software solutions comes in to play. I enjoy listening to the Cerner attendees, hearing their pain points and learning how they currently run their Rx systems. With that knowledge, I come armed with solutions to ease their pain and better-secure their current prescriptions.”

Security for Paper Prescriptions at Booth 22

Whether you’re in an eligible plain paper state, or still required to print on preprinted security stock, we can help. There are over 500 hospitals in the US utilizing our plain paper prescription printing software, and countless other facilities which rely on our locking paper trays to safeguard paper stock.


TSPE is a plain paper prescription printing software which meets or exceeds compliance requirements with significant security features. By applying industry recognized requirements to the printed Rx, you reduce your organization’s risk for fraud. With TSPE, fraudsters cannot copy, erase, modify or counterfeit the prescription. TSPE technology includes:

  • TROY Copy-Evident Pantograph: reveals “VOID” or “COPY” if copying or scanning occurs
  • TROYMark™ Variable Data Watermark: prints unique, user defined patient and prescription data across the back of each Rx
  • MicroPrint: indicates text copy under magnification and blurs if photocopied
  • Intelligent TROY Warning Box: supports quick and easy authentication

Locking Paper Trays

In order to protect preprinted security stock from theft, TROY Locking Paper Trays feature rugged metal shielding to prevent removal of paper by blocking the back access point. These trays also feature key or combination locks to thwart paper theft and misuse.

See You in Springfield – Or Give Us a Call in Wheeling

If you’re headed to the NARUG show, make sure you stop by Booth 22 and talk to Nakita. She’ll let you know if our solutions don’t meet your needs, but in the famous words of Dr. Seuss, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” We’d like the opportunity to help you in the fight against prescription fraud.

If you’re not headed to the show, give us a call at 304-232-0899 and talk with one of security specialists.

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