Fast, Accurate Bank Check Printing Software

Designed specifically for smaller banks, credit unions, and community banks, AssurePay Teller Edition improves data accuracy and customer wait times while preventing fraud.

Bank Teller Check Printing Software

Don’t Settle with the Way it Was Done Before

As technology evolves, it feels like the whole world moves faster; employees feel stressed to perform quicker and more efficiently, and customers come to expect immediacy in, well, everything. In order to accommodate efficiency and customer satisfaction, we designed a new teller software specifically for fast, accurate check printing at the teller and back office level. If your systems are older, band-aided to work together, or just inefficient altogether, you owe it to yourself and your team to read on.

AssurePay Teller Edition

TROY AssurePay Teller Edition was designed for smaller banks and credit unions. The software is easy to use and enables the front line to swiftly print bank documents at the teller station, thereby reducing wait times and adding to customer satisfaction. AssurePay Teller also integrates with client lists from most in-house systems to the software, eliminating the need to re-enter customer information. Tellers can efficiently add, delete, or modify client information at the teller station and create personalized sets of starter checks, assisting in a speedier process to open new accounts. The software protects clients, most importantly, against the risk of starter checks being used fraudulently.

Not only will your customer satisfaction increase, so will the security of printed checks, the accuracy of client data, and the efficiency of your tellers; meaning they’ll have more dedicated time for crucial tasks.

Secure Check Printing

Common sense would dictate that the decrease in checks through the years would mean less fraud, but that’s not the case. Fraudsters are getting smarter, evolving with technology, and capitalizing on banks with outdated defenses. They’re finding ways into systems which lack security features such as positive pay, or employees are committing internal fraud because there is no audit feature. And, there’s the just plain old-fashioned clerical errors which aren’t intentional but could cause issues.

AssurePay Teller has many security features which will prevent accidental errors, along with intentional harm. If you’d like to learn more about secure check printing for your bank, explore the AssurePay overview and reach out to our team of consultants at 304-232-0899.

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