TROY Group Announces the Release of Its SecureDocs Sentry Software Solution

SecureDocs Sentry offers comprehensive, layered security that provides document authentication characteristics and prevents forgery, falsification and alteration of high-value documents. 

Wheeling, WV – July 13, 2021: TROY Group, Inc., a worldwide leader in check and secure document printing solutions, is pleased to announce the release of its latest security and authentication software, SecureDocs Sentry. 

Securing high-value printed documents means less fraud and more compliance. When augmented with overt and covert features and smart serialization, printed information becomes tamper-resistant and difficult to replicate even by the most sophisticated criminals. TROY’s new SecureDocs Sentry software offers personalized, layered security, including encrypted QR codes for verification and anti-alteration watermarks, at the point of print.  

By not securing sensitive documents, companies are leaving themselves vulnerable to unauthorized modifications, forgery, or photocopying. TROY SecureDocs Sentry is designed to add personalized, on demand, layered security to each print file before it is routed to the printer, giving companies an additional layer of security that helps create unique and secure documents. 

A variety of documents can be printed using TROY SecureDocs Sentry including identity documents, breeder documents, work permits, inventory request forms, land certificates, financial statements, licenses and registrations, invoices and receipts, transcripts and diplomas, clearance reports, credit statements, insurance claims, mortgage statements, and many other high-value documents that are at risk for alteration and forgery.  

TROY SecureDocs Sentry is further enhanced by TROY’s proprietary Security Inks and Toners and TROY UV Printers. Our solutions can be easily integrated into most print environments and enables easy template creation and document printing that automatically applies security to your most sensitive documents. By combining TROY hardware, software, and inks and toners, organizations get an end-to-end document security solution. 

“TROY SecureDocs Sentry offers a level of security unmatched in today’s security printing industry,” said Ari Mellon, Vice President of Global Sales at TROY Group, Inc. “As a company, TROY is focused on helping to add trust, security and confidence to each and every document that a customer prints, and TROY SecureDocs Sentry fulfills that goal.” 

To learn more about the TROY SecureDocs Sentry, contact a representative via telephone at 304-232-0899, e-mail or visit 

About TROY Group, Inc.  

TROY Group, Inc., an HP OEM Partner, is a worldwide leader of MICR and document security solutions. TROY offers software, secure MICR Printers, and specialized MICR inks and toners along with all components needed to print secure checks in-house. TROY is the only manufacturer of MICR Toner Secure, the World’s Most Fraud Resistant MICR Toner™, which protects checks from fraud with an anti-tamper security feature. Customers include the top U.S. banks, key government and insurance accounts, and businesses of all sizes. 

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