TROY Locking Printers Lock Out Paper Theft

Here at TROY, we specialize in document security, which means our printers print some important documents. But clients also need a way to secure their paper stock. In some cases, they’re simply reducing theft of everyday copy paper. For others, they are protecting high-value paper.

Get an Extra Level of Security

Pharmacies, universities, and government offices all print sensitive documents – like prescriptions, transcripts, diplomas, and birth certificates. At the same time, their printers are often located in spaces where anybody has access to them. This makes it easier for high-value paper stock to be stolen.

Without the proper security measures in place to protect high-value paper stock, there is a greater risk of fraud. This can lead to severe financial loss, harm to their reputation, and a loss in customer’s confidence. In some cases, stolen paper stock can be used in criminal activities, such as identity theft.

Our new video details how our Locking Printers utilizes custom-fit, paper tray locks and metal shielding to keep paper stock well protected.

To add a higher level of protection, please contact us at or call our Customer Care Team at 304-232-0899.

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