Extend Security to Prescriptions & Sensitive Documents in Healthcare Workflows

Extend Security to Rxs and Sensitive Documents

We’re headed to Orlando for the 2018 International MUSE Conference and, after 10+ years working with Meditech users, we’re very excited to bring something new to the exhibit hall. In previous years, we’ve showcased plain paper prescription printing that exceeded CMS compliant regulations. Live in approx. 100 Meditech facilities, TROY software is the backbone for tamper-resistant prescriptions healthcare professionals and pharmacists have come to count on.

Save 50% Over the Cost of Preprinted Stock

We understand your challenges; we hear them all the time. You’re moving to ePrescribe, so you don’t want to invest in a printed Rx solution. However, there are situations where printed prescriptions are necessary. In those times, it’s important to have a solution you can count on, and one that keeps you CMS compliant.

With SecureRx, you can add personalized features which exceed CMS regulations and include full audit tracking. Since our solution prints secure prescriptions on-demand and on blank copy paper, there is no need to worry about theft of expensive preprinted stock. As well, you can eliminate time consuming chain of custody protocols and safeguarding tasks associated with preprinted pads.

When you combine the cost savings of time, resources, and expensive preprinted stock, your healthcare facility can save over 50% the cost. Plus, SecureRx is term based, giving you the account flexibility your business is looking for.

Extend Security & Compliance to All Healthcare Documents

Designed for healthcare PDF based documents, SecureRx can extend security and audit traceability into your existing workflows. As a true end to end document security solution, SecureRx can help your facility meet HIPAA compliance and drive risk mitigation for confidential and sensitive documents.

With complete workflow traceability, hardcopy or digital documents can include serialization and tagging for full audit tracking. Plus, ensure data and document integrity with blockchain anchoring and a dedicated authentication portal for easy verification.

Extend document security to all documents in your healthcare workflow

Meet Us at MUSE Booth #130

Stop by and let’s talk about your current prescription printing process, and other documents in your workflow that should be secured. We’re located at Booth #130.

If you’re not going to the conference, contact us at 304-232-0899 or email SecureRx@troygroup.com.

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