Protect High Risk Data with Document Security Solutions @ ID4Africa

Protect High Risk Data with Robust Document Security Solutions Featured at ID4Africa

When you think document security, do you envision a protected, fraud-resistant piece of paper, or do you see the person behind the data growing and maturing into a contributing member of society?

It is the latter that takes our TROY document security experts to ID4Africa in Nigeria on April 24-26, 2018. We are proud to exhibit at this year’s event, titled Harmonization of Identity Schemes, and to showcase solutions which can be used to secure human identity and protect personal data.

4-Process Workflow Streamlines Document Security

For the first time, organizations can add smart, layered, personalized security features to printed documents with SecureDocs software. Integration with your existing workflow makes it easy to:

Create & Convert Documents

Secure & Protect with Physical and Digital Security Features

Track & Audit with Serialization and Traceability

Authenticate with Blockchain-level Document and Data Authenticity

SecureDocs offers a tiered approach to document security offered by no others. Add as few, or as many, security elements for your unique documents.

Examples of security on confidential, sensitive, and high security documents

High Security Total Solution

For high security documents, and data with a high risk for fraud, we recommend overt and covert personalized layers for each printed document. Augment covert security with TROY SecureUV to increase authentication and protection. Including a ghost image or watermark printed in invisible ink, which only fluoresces under the proper verification light, makes it difficult for even the most sophisticated fraudsters to alter or replicate secure documents.

Secure birth certificate with layered, personalized security features.

Sample birth certificate created with SecureDocs. Security features include personalized TROYMark printed in SecureUV (represented by the light blue diagonal text) and SecureMark, a QR which enables digital verification with a smartphone to quickly confirm the authenticity of a document.

As an HP Partner, we are the only manufacturer authorized to enhance HP printers (the world’s most secure printers¹) for use in security document workflows. Not only do the TROY PageWide SecureUV Printers offer security ink for covert authentication, they also protect your network from unauthorized entry and attacks.

Find Us at Booth C20

Let’s discuss your current document workflow and talk through any pain points you’re experiencing. We will suggest tactics to streamline your existing workflow and increase security on your documents. Think of us as an extension of your in-house security, ready to help secure identities and protect high value data.

If you can’t make it to ID4Africa, please contact us at +1-304-232-0899 or email to learn more.


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