eLabel Cartridges: Small Shift for Future Products

In the intricate landscape of MICR printing, every advancement is a step toward efficiency and reliability. With the intricacies of MICR check printing, even the smallest change can have an impact on the process of printing checks. TROY is adopting eLabel MICR technology in our cartridges and printers to help with efficiency. 

But first, what is eLabel?


What is eLabel?


Before we explain eLabel, we first have to educate ourselves on how MICR toner interacts with a printer.

Traditionally, MICR printing presented unique challenges due to the specialized nature of the toner, infused with magnetic iron oxide for precise character recognition. MICR toner is needed for check printing so banks can read and scan checks automatically. The use of MICR is a requirement by the American Banking Association and must meet rigorous readability standards. If a check is not printed with MICR, it will face rejection from the bank.



Enter eLabel—a new advancement in MICR printers from TROY and HP. eLabel will leverage HP's chip technology and firmware advancements, eLabel will allow some future TROY printers to identify MICR toner cartridges.


eLabel: Small Shifts to Improve Efficiency 


eLabel cartridges will not change the way you print checks in any way. The cost and reliability of TROY MICR toner cartridges will remain the same, in addition to being backward compatible with your legacy printer.  The only change is with the part number, which will be updated by TROY so ordering is easy. 


As TROY continues to innovate and adapt to evolving market demands, eLabel stands as our commitment to improvement in MICR printing. With eLabel, the future of MICR printing has never looked brighter.

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