When it comes to MICR printing, what is "secure"?


When it comes to MICR printing, the term “secure” can mean different things to different manufacturers. Many companies claim to offer secure printing products and toners, but not all of these claims are created equal. At TROY, we take security seriously, and our MICR Toner Secure sets a new standard for printing security. In this blog post, we’ll explore what “secure” means in the context of MICR printing, and explain how TROY’s patented MICR Toner Secure provides unparalleled security features.

At its core, secure printing means that the printed information is protected from unauthorized access, tampering, or duplication. This is particularly important for printing checks, which contain sensitive financial information that must be protected at all costs. A secure MICR printing solution should include multiple layers of security, including physical, logical, and cryptographic features.

TROY’s MICR Toner Secure is designed to provide all of these features and more. Here are just a few of the key security features that set TROY’s MICR Toner Secure apart:

Patented Formulation

TROY’s MICR Toner Secure is formulated with a patented blend of toner and other materials that make it virtually impossible to alter or duplicate. This unique formulation makes it much more difficult for counterfeiters to create fake checks or alter legitimate ones.

Proprietary Magnetic Properties

In addition to its unique formulation, TROY’s MICR Toner Secure also has proprietary magnetic properties that make it much more difficult to duplicate or tamper with. These magnetic properties are critical for MICR printing, which relies on magnetic ink to be read accurately by check processing equipment.


In conclusion, “secure” can mean different things when it comes to MICR printing, and not all products that claim to be secure are created equal. At TROY, we take security seriously, and our patented MICR Toner Secure provides unparalleled security features that set it apart from other printing solutions. With its unique formulation, proprietary magnetic properties, authentication features, and end-to-end encryption, TROY’s MICR Toner Secure is the gold standard for secure MICR printing. For more information on TROY’s secure printing solutions, contact us today at customerservice@troygroup.com or call us at 304-232-0899.


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